Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyers in Madison, MS

When our clients face disputes, they often wish to preserve their relationships with the opposing parties. The attorneys at Gladden & Ingram aim to preserve these relationships as much as possible. As part of our continued strategy in the defense of clients, we like to be part of the solution, not the problem, and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) can be a viable means to relatively amicable solutions. Often the solution to a pending claim is not prolonged litigation. Our attorneys represent clients in the following areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution:

  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Mock trials
  • Risk analysis
  • Mini and private trials

Of course, if a dispute cannot be resolved through one of the methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution, our attorneys will be fully prepared to bring any case to court. The attorneys at Gladden & Ingram have extensive experience in taking cases to trial in every type of litigation ranging from small claims to large-scale, complex litigation involving multinational companies. Please contact the attorneys at Gladden & Ingram so that we can work with you on a possible resolution of your pending matter.